Collection of types to import into your codebase
Calls will be returned to each active webhook recipient URL as a webhook event.
“string” type variables represent a single string, eg "patient_first_name": "John"
”string[]” type variables represent a series of strings, eg "physicians": ["Physician One", "Physician Two", ...]
“number” type variables represent a single number, eg "cost": 5
”number[]” types variables represent a series of numbers, eg "costs": [1, 2, 3.5, ...]
“date” type variables represent a single date, eg "appointment_date": "2030-07-15T14:00:00.000-07:00"
(luxon DateTime formatting)
“date[]” type variables represent a series of dates, eg "available_dates": ["2030-07-15T14:00:00.000-07:00", "2030-07-16T14:00:00.000-07:00"]
Phone Numbers
“phone_number” type variables represent a single phone number, eg "phone_number": "+11994816785"
(E.164 formatting)
“phone_number[]” type variables represent a series of phone numbers, eg "phone_numbers[]": ["+11994816785", "+15673643554"]
Special Variables
and live_transfer_number
will not be injected into the prompt but instead be used for call mechanics, which is why they are their own distinct types.
The following are also applicable:
: reserved type for patient’s first namepatient_last_name
: reserved type for the patient’s last namepreferred_contact_method
: reserved type for the patient’s preferred contact methodpreferred_language
: reserved type for the patient’s preferred languageemail
: reserved type for patient’s email
Variable Errors
Type failures will collect all issues and return them as the error message, eg: Invalid input: Received "+17223820171" but declared type is date[], Received "2030-07-15T14:00:00.000-07:00" but declared type is phone_number[]